Unit of Brij Lal Hospital and Research Center

Shri Ramesh Pal- President

Message from President

From President Desk

I welcome you to be a part of one of the noblest profession on the earth i.e nursing, through your extensive professional, technical, mental and physical grooming provided by Pal College of  Nursing & Medical Sciences. 

Nursing as a concept has changed by quantum leaps since past decades. The technologies  medical advancements on one hand require you to be techno savvy while on the other hand  your soft touch to the patient & a few good words spoken can create wonders to healing of the  graven. Therefore, the need of the hour is to train to teach the students from all dimensions so  that they can face challenges at all fronts and can deliver the best of then, to the care of not only  patients, but for the society as well. 

We at Pal College of Nursing & Medical Sciences have tried to provide best Primary, Secondary  and tertiary care as well and at very affordable free to serve the community. 

In once again extend a hearty welcome to all of you and shall always pray to god to bless you  all.